Central Market Arcade Redevelopment
- Adelaide CBD
- Adelaide City Council
- <$200k
- 2016
Jensen Planning + Design in association with Hames Sharley has been appointed to deliver the Central Market Arcade Redevelopment Plan and Feasibility Study on behalf of Adelaide City Council.
Jensen Planning + Design is the appointed Consultant Team Project Manager and is leading the multi-disciplinary team, working collaboratively with Council’s Project Team and Elected Members, as well as facilitating the stakeholder meetings and workshops.
The Plan will set out a framework for the redevelopment of the Central Market Arcade site, drawing on the ideas and aspirations within Our Market District, a document produced by Council in 2015 (also with input from Jensen Planning + Design).
The project involves the preparation of several development scenarios for testing against financial and non-financial criteria. Jensen Planning + Design has prepared a multi-criteria analysis tool to test the feasibility of each option and provide a solid evidence base for the important decision about the future of the Central Market Arcade site.