Holden Street, Hindmarsh

  • Hindmarsh, South Australia
  • City of Charles Sturt
  • 2020–2022
  • >$1m

The public realm surrounding Hindmarsh (Coopers) Stadium was upgraded in preparation for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand in 2023.

Jensen PLUS assisted the City of Charles Sturt in the preparation of new designs for the street network to facilitate this world-class event as part of the funding application — which was successful!

Large crowds now use the streets like never before and Council aim to implement streetscape interventions to create a better pedestrian journey and experience en route to Coopers Stadium.

Jensen PLUS developed a strong design language that references the movement of waving flags and crowds cheering, reinforcing navigation through consistent design elements.

Pedestrian priority and accessibility through continuous, wider footpaths, improved green infrastructure and greater opportunity for congregation in the public realm were key objectives.

In early 2022, we also led community engagement with local residents and precinct users to test the designs.

The package of streetscape designs for the precinct were extremely well received and clearly communicate the design intent to provide safe, interesting and inviting active transport routes while maintaining vehicular capacity and existing street use.

Jensen PLUS recognise the importance of streetscapes in facilitating community events, as places to come together to celebrate, socialise and connect with each other and the environment.