Balaklava and Hamley Bridge
- Balaklava and Hamley Bridge, South Australia
- Wakefield Regional Council
- 2020-21
- <$1m
This project has been a highly successful partnership between the design team, Council, local businesses and landowners, and the communities of Balaklava and Hamley Bridge.
Balaklava, although busy, lacked pedestrian amenity and needed improvements to footpaths, furniture, verges and open spaces to promote walkability and enhance its look and feel. Typical to many regional locations, the heart of the town was dominated by parking, with minor building renovations and signage slowly chipping away at the character of the place. At Hamley Bridge many historic buildings and shopfront awnings were in disrepair and needed renovation, and the tired streetscape did little to encourage visitors to stop, walk and explore more of this fabulous little main street.
The vision to uplift the heritage façades of buildings to better showcase the character and charm of the towns was timed simultaneously with streetscape improvement works. These quick, implementable wins include new paint and signage schemes, street trees and greening, better street crossings, seating, accessibility to open spaces, lighting, outdoor dining and planted medians to narrow the carriageway of some roads.
It demonstrates the effectiveness of the “Lighter Quicker Cheaper” approach to design and placemaking, and the hard work of local trades and Council negotiating the upgrades with strong community insight.