Clare Township Development Plan Amendment
- Clare, South Australia
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
- 2018
- <$30k
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council sought to review the zoning for the Clare township. The review came about following strategic directions and visioning for the township by Council and a series of background studies which further guided the identification of issues facing the township into the future.
Engagement was undertaken with a range of stakeholders in the township, including community groups, traders, landowners and government agencies. This included a workshop where the issues were presented and a range of zoning options for addressing these issues identified for feedback. The workshop provided guidance for further investigations, including the need to identify the future demands for industrial land for the township.
The DPA overhauls the current District Town Centre Zone to provide more flexibility for land uses to facilitate investment, as well as better guide development outcomes through design, activation and encouragement of the use of public spaces.
The DPA was also an opportunity to provide for greater diversity of housing through the creation of a Medium Density Policy Area surrounding the town centre, recognise the floodplain of the Hutt River, formalise a range of commercial, residential and community uses by rezoning to more appropriate zones, and address land use intensity, scale, design and landscape issues with development at the township’s southern gateway.
Jensen PLUS also assisted Council in programming and preparing for the consultation of the DPA, including preparation of consultation materials and attendance at a community drop-in session.