Florence, Alexander and Norman Streets, Port Pirie
- Port Pirie CBD, South Australia
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- 2016-2017
- $9.2m
Port Pirie is undergoing a revival in fortunes underpinned by a state-of-the-art upgrade to the Port Pirie Smelter. Alongside that investment Port Pirie Regional Council is revitalising the CBD with major enhancements to three busy main streets – over $9m of streetscape improvements in total!
Jensen PLUS led a multi-disciplinary team to undertake this challenging project. After initiating community engagement and preparing a public art strategy, we prepared concept plans, detailed urban and landscape design and documentation, and assisted with project management. The first $3.8m stage was completed in June 2017.
The overall intent is to make the CBD a more attractive and comfortable public place, supporting local businesses and the community. Florence Street – once wide and windswept – is now a grand boulevard framed by Phoenix Canariensis palm trees. New footpaths, seating, crossings, planting and parking make the street a better place.
Nearby Alexander Street is a more intimate shopping street. A redesign by Tonkin Consulting to a centre-draining street enabled a smooth, kerb-less design between footpaths and parking to encourage walking across the street and between shops. New footpaths, street trees and lighting helped complete the street.
A stand-out feature is the ‘True Colours’ public art. Working with Brecknock Consulting and Groundplay, Jensen PLUS has designed attention-grabbing seats, bollards and wayfinding signage. At Pirie CBD a positive, warm and optimistic design has been implemented that lives up to Council’s promise to ‘Come See Change’.