Mildura CBD Revitalisation Project
- Mildura, Victoria
- Mildura Rural City Council
- 2022
- <$1m
Jensen PLUS led a large, experienced team to develop a multi-faceted strategy for revitalising Mildura’s CBD.
The objective of the project was to draw both people and investment back to the CBD, with a particular focus on the core area of the CBD including the pedestrianised area of Langtree Avenue (Langtree Mall) and the adjoining eat street known colloquially as Feast Street.
The team worked closely and collaboratively with Mildura Rural City Council and key stakeholders, including Mildura City Heart and Mildura Regional Development, to ensure the separate but overlapping components of the project were synthesised into easy to understand and deliverable actions that exceeded the expectations of the community.
Components of the project included:
- Concept designs for Feast Street, including options tested against a set of guiding principles and high level costs
- An economic feasibility study, providing a snapshot of the current economic climate of the CBD including land uses, gaps and potential strategies, plus a Retail Report Card component for Langtree Mall
- Placemaking concepts for Langtree Mall
- A connectivity and permeability study, exploring options to improve pedestrian amenity in the CBD
- A public art framework
- An investment attraction prospectus, with the intent to guide and shape the future direction of investment in the Mildura CBD
"Mildura Rural City Council appointed Jensen PLUS to deliver a review of commercial supply, demand and configuration of the Mildura CBD with a view to deliver economic revitalisation and stronger connections throughout the CBD.
Michael and the wider Jensen Plus team have been instrumental in advancing our ambitions for a refreshed and vibrant CBD, working closely with Council and wider stakeholders to shape a series of inspiring concept designs and placemaking principles to activate the CBD and improve overall access and mobility.
We continue to work with Jensen PLUS as we move through the next phases of this project, recognising the value in their expertise, approach, and attention to detail on this important piece of work for the Mildura region."
Mark Jenkins
Acting General Manager Community
Mildura Rural City Council