Regenerating the Alice Town Centre
- Alice Springs, Northern Territory
- Alice Springs Town Council
- 2023 – 2024
- >$150,000
Jensen PLUS is leading a team of transport planners, engagement specialists, retail and main street advisors - as well are our own urban and landscape designers — in the Regenerating the Alice Town Centre project, engaging with the community and developing concept designs to improve central Alice Springs for community, businesses and visitors.
The project includes options to regenerate Todd Mall, a well-loved community and tourist street but suffering from age, alternative shopping options, and well-publicised anti-social behaviour and crime (actual and perceived). Our research into success and risk factors for pedestrian malls in regional Australian cities has helped inform alternative options for this space.
Concept design options for the Mall and for riverside open space, as well as land and car parking linking the Mall to nearby shopping centres, are to be placed on public exhibition in early 2024. All concepts have already been informed by extensive community and stakeholder engagement, including a successful multi-day co-design workshop held in Alice Springs.