Regis Kingswood Residential Aged Care Facility
- Kingswood, South Australia
- Regis Group
- 2012–2017
- $300k (Landscape)
The Regis Group engaged Jensen PLUS to assist them in the development of the their Nursing Home at Kingswood. The project forms part of a comprehensive investment in the Regis Group’s South Australian facilities.
Regis Kingswood contains a Local Heritage Place, one of the original homesteads in the area, later converted to a lodge by the Salvation Army. The building forms a central feature to the site and the Regis Group were eager to respect the building’s fabric and setting within the new concept for the site.
Jensen PLUS worked closely with the architects to guide the design, taking into account the Local Heritage Place, as well as interface issues with surrounding residential properties and the established character of the neighbourhood.
Jensen PLUS also prepared a landscape design for the facility, an important element within the development given the prominent setting within the streetscape. A ‘sensory garden’ approach to the outdoor spaces was adopted, creating an attractive outlook intended to stimulate residents and creating a positive contribution to the streetscape for this important site.