Scotch College Campus Linkage Project
- Mitcham, South Australia
- Scotch College Adelaide Inc.
- 2021–2024
Scotch College has undertaken significant campus developments, highlighting the need for improved safety and a more pedestrian-focused linkage between the Torrens Park and Mitcham facilities along Muggs Hill Road.
The project aimed to establish a clearer and more logical network of footpaths and vehicular circulation that supports better disability access and enhances visibility, amenity and safety for all users.
Jensen PLUS undertook Landscape Architecture and Planning services for the project.
The 'Campus Linkage' comprises three parts: the car park, a new linkage footpath, and an intersection treatment at Muggs Hill Road, Evans Avenue and Lois Avenue.
The purpose was to safely connect the Junior School Campus’ internal learning area to the Senior School boardwalk along Lois Lane, addressing constraints and maximising opportunities to improve safety, functionality and amenity.
The newly completed car park provides 36 parking spaces, new fencing, lighting, rubbish bins, bike racks, and bollards. The addition of 22 new trees and new garden beds with shrubs enhances the aesthetic appeal and provides shade, contributing to a more pleasant and welcoming environment.